1 00:00:00,799 --> 00:00:10,519 it is it was working it looked like 2 00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:10,519 he thank you Terry I'll provide this to 3 00:00:14,400 --> 00:00:22,880 too he said it's 4 00:00:17,278 --> 00:00:25,160 live so it is live yep okay I don't know 5 00:00:22,879 --> 00:00:27,839 if there's a time difference between 6 00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:29,599 YouTube and when we start our meeting 7 00:00:27,839 --> 00:00:32,159 they're saying it five they they're 8 00:00:29,599 --> 00:00:36,200 saying on y thank you ter all right all 9 00:00:32,159 --> 00:00:39,479 right let's let's resume 10 00:00:36,200 --> 00:00:43,600 um uh where where we 11 00:00:39,479 --> 00:00:48,119 at oh um are we all set then um yeah 12 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:52,198 everybody clear on on the okay all right 13 00:00:48,119 --> 00:00:56,000 um then moving on for approval of the 14 00:00:52,198 --> 00:00:59,079 agenda uh as as 15 00:00:56,000 --> 00:01:01,359 printed I'll entertain a motion I had a 16 00:00:59,079 --> 00:01:06,319 question just only because I didn't see 17 00:01:01,359 --> 00:01:09,359 something on the the the uh agenda was a 18 00:01:06,319 --> 00:01:11,478 followup to the poverty exemption we had 19 00:01:09,359 --> 00:01:15,879 a couple questions from the last meeting 20 00:01:11,478 --> 00:01:17,438 that were not on there um but uh if we 21 00:01:15,879 --> 00:01:21,478 if I can ask them in miscellaneous 22 00:01:17,438 --> 00:01:21,478 business instead that's perfectly fine I 23 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:28,200 don't I wasn't here I'm not I'm drawing 24 00:01:25,400 --> 00:01:29,439 a blank on the question I can ask I can 25 00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:31,920 ask him right now I mean we had 26 00:01:29,438 --> 00:01:34,639 discussed uh getting the message out on 27 00:01:31,920 --> 00:01:37,599 posting it for the poverty exemption uh 28 00:01:34,640 --> 00:01:41,118 notice on the email or on the website 29 00:01:37,599 --> 00:01:44,199 and then we talked about uh emailing the 30 00:01:41,118 --> 00:01:46,239 um uh the all of the subscribers to the 31 00:01:44,200 --> 00:01:48,759 Tyrone Township email to get a notice 32 00:01:46,239 --> 00:01:51,078 out that of the poverty exemption 33 00:01:48,759 --> 00:01:53,159 program well there is a my understanding 34 00:01:51,078 --> 00:01:55,000 there is a requirement of Law and 35 00:01:53,159 --> 00:01:58,840 whatever those requirements are is what 36 00:01:55,000 --> 00:02:01,959 Alexa does um and I know there's 37 00:01:58,840 --> 00:02:03,759 like I don't know if it's in the paper I 38 00:02:01,959 --> 00:02:06,239 can check on that and email you tomorrow 39 00:02:03,759 --> 00:02:08,520 what it is but there's requirements that 40 00:02:06,239 --> 00:02:11,239 we have to do of course yeah Alexa 41 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:13,360 shared she came up and shared by Yeah by 42 00:02:11,239 --> 00:02:17,280 law and whatever she's required to do is 43 00:02:13,360 --> 00:02:19,440 what she goes by right and I was and and 44 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:21,640 I don't want to repeat in addition to 45 00:02:19,439 --> 00:02:24,239 that we had a discussion about reaching 46 00:02:21,639 --> 00:02:28,079 out to the community more and leveraging 47 00:02:24,239 --> 00:02:30,519 our email um capability and our website 48 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:32,800 so that uh since there was such a low 49 00:02:30,519 --> 00:02:34,759 amount of people taking advantage of it 50 00:02:32,800 --> 00:02:37,519 uh and the times are tough from an 51 00:02:34,759 --> 00:02:39,079 economy perspective well I know it's in 52 00:02:37,519 --> 00:02:41,239 I didn't mean to discuss bring it a 53 00:02:39,080 --> 00:02:44,280 major discussion right now just it was I 54 00:02:41,239 --> 00:02:46,759 was not seeing any responses to that but 55 00:02:44,280 --> 00:02:50,239 we can we can either address 56 00:02:46,759 --> 00:02:53,280 miscellaneous we something we'll we'll 57 00:02:50,239 --> 00:02:55,000 we'll discuss that and then I'll I'll 58 00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:57,039 we'll get something going on that okay 59 00:02:55,000 --> 00:03:00,479 great thank you I 60 00:02:57,039 --> 00:03:01,560 I slip through the cracks yes sir yes 61 00:03:00,479 --> 00:03:06,079 all 62 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:09,840 right uh so again uh motion for the 63 00:03:06,080 --> 00:03:16,080 agenda approval of the agenda as 64 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:18,519 printed so moved support all in favor I 65 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:23,239 iose 66 00:03:18,519 --> 00:03:25,719 okay um Communications um Chuck I I 67 00:03:23,239 --> 00:03:28,560 would just like to clarify a few things 68 00:03:25,719 --> 00:03:30,919 have to do approval of consent agenda oh 69 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:34,319 I skipped it didn't that y sorry 70 00:03:30,919 --> 00:03:37,000 approval of the consent agenda um 71 00:03:34,318 --> 00:03:37,000 Regular board 72 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:42,120 minute minutes from January yep from 73 00:03:40,919 --> 00:03:44,559 January 74 00:03:42,120 --> 00:03:47,640 21st 75 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:48,920 2025 uh everybody okay with those and 76 00:03:47,639 --> 00:03:50,958 the clerk's warrant you got to do both 77 00:03:48,919 --> 00:03:53,119 of them together all right Clerk's 78 00:03:50,959 --> 00:03:56,039 warrants and 79 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:59,319 bills uh everybody good with both of 80 00:03:56,039 --> 00:04:06,359 those y I make a motion to approve and 81 00:03:59,318 --> 00:04:10,318 place on file support all in favor I I 82 00:04:06,360 --> 00:04:13,360 oppose all right and now moving into the 83 00:04:10,318 --> 00:04:16,399 communications um Chuck I just wanted to 84 00:04:13,360 --> 00:04:17,840 uh clarify uh three items regard one 85 00:04:16,399 --> 00:04:21,839 regarding the 86 00:04:17,839 --> 00:04:24,279 agenda and uh the the township is 87 00:04:21,839 --> 00:04:29,439 legally obligated to post that agenda 88 00:04:24,279 --> 00:04:32,599 correct yes and uh how we post it is is 89 00:04:29,439 --> 00:04:35,959 proper complies with the law y uh 90 00:04:32,600 --> 00:04:38,080 regarding the board packets uh is that 91 00:04:35,959 --> 00:04:41,079 something the township has to do or is 92 00:04:38,079 --> 00:04:42,879 that something we do as a courtesy 93 00:04:41,079 --> 00:04:47,120 that's something you do as a courtesy 94 00:04:42,879 --> 00:04:51,399 okay and then the the last item is uh 95 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:53,240 the recording of the meeting itself is 96 00:04:51,399 --> 00:04:55,120 that something required by law or is 97 00:04:53,240 --> 00:04:56,720 that something we provide as a courtesy 98 00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:59,160 as well that's something you also 99 00:04:56,720 --> 00:05:00,919 provide as a courtesy um however because 100 00:04:59,160 --> 00:05:04,160 it's on you YouTube or whatever it's 101 00:05:00,918 --> 00:05:07,439 always there yeah yeah so the live 102 00:05:04,160 --> 00:05:12,000 stream as long as it's 103 00:05:07,439 --> 00:05:14,199 working it'll uh it'll be there 104 00:05:12,000 --> 00:05:17,240 recorded okay that was just for 105 00:05:14,199 --> 00:05:19,240 clarification for myself the board and 106 00:05:17,240 --> 00:05:21,439 the residents and the 107 00:05:19,240 --> 00:05:25,360 video 108 00:05:21,439 --> 00:05:28,959 audience so moving on to unless anybody 109 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:32,680 else has any comments are we good all 110 00:05:28,959 --> 00:05:32,680 right uh public 111 00:05:36,120 --> 00:05:42,360 remarks Scott de White Lake wrote um 112 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:45,000 medical insurance policy and comparisons 113 00:05:42,360 --> 00:05:47,680 um I'd like to I'm not I'm all for 114 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:50,759 medical and stuff like that but I would 115 00:05:47,680 --> 00:05:55,038 like to as a citizen have some kind of a 116 00:05:50,759 --> 00:05:57,160 open Forum or a um a meeting where we I 117 00:05:55,038 --> 00:05:58,680 like to really have people go over and 118 00:05:57,160 --> 00:06:02,240 see what's out there and see what we're 119 00:05:58,680 --> 00:06:05,360 looking at for medical insurance so I we 120 00:06:02,240 --> 00:06:07,360 get some heads together and and see how 121 00:06:05,360 --> 00:06:09,759 how efficient this office is we've 122 00:06:07,360 --> 00:06:12,598 talked about that fast and if there's 123 00:06:09,759 --> 00:06:14,639 anything we can do to make sure I I 124 00:06:12,598 --> 00:06:16,639 think they do should have I'm not saying 125 00:06:14,639 --> 00:06:18,360 they shouldn't have medical insurance I 126 00:06:16,639 --> 00:06:20,720 I always thought afflac wasn't a good 127 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:23,120 thing because you got to be off so long 128 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:24,520 before you get it anyway and I would 129 00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:27,280 think that money would be better spent 130 00:06:24,519 --> 00:06:29,159 to just give them better coverage um 131 00:06:27,279 --> 00:06:30,239 Historical Society pioner day that's a 132 00:06:29,160 --> 00:06:32,919 good thing 133 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:34,519 um this litigation with um and you 134 00:06:32,918 --> 00:06:37,240 mentioned the name 135 00:06:34,519 --> 00:06:40,719 Anderson I know there was a lot of stuff 136 00:06:37,240 --> 00:06:42,680 gone out and and Pam was attacked and 137 00:06:40,720 --> 00:06:45,479 and I stuck up I went and got the 138 00:06:42,680 --> 00:06:47,918 information but on the other hand Greg 139 00:06:45,478 --> 00:06:51,800 was right com me Chris Chris was right 140 00:06:47,918 --> 00:06:54,639 we've always asked for more transparency 141 00:06:51,800 --> 00:06:56,879 so when I come to the meeting and I have 142 00:06:54,639 --> 00:06:58,519 I got a a chance to speak I know what 143 00:06:56,879 --> 00:07:00,479 these issues are coming up and I might 144 00:06:58,519 --> 00:07:01,839 have a comment on so that would be nice 145 00:07:00,478 --> 00:07:03,959 if they were a little bit more 146 00:07:01,839 --> 00:07:05,719 transparent but for for Pam to be 147 00:07:03,959 --> 00:07:08,120 attacked I mean that is I think that's 148 00:07:05,720 --> 00:07:10,400 kind of wrong because you know she 149 00:07:08,120 --> 00:07:12,199 didn't do nothing wrong so just a little 150 00:07:10,399 --> 00:07:16,198 more transparency I think that's all 151 00:07:12,199 --> 00:07:19,400 we're asking um other than that um you 152 00:07:16,199 --> 00:07:23,439 know let's try to get this stuff done 153 00:07:19,399 --> 00:07:23,439 all right thank you 154 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:30,839 Scott I'd like to say something please I 155 00:07:27,319 --> 00:07:33,080 I appreciate that Scott because 156 00:07:30,839 --> 00:07:35,758 some people are confused on the clerk's 157 00:07:33,079 --> 00:07:38,000 role in terms of the agenda for the 158 00:07:35,759 --> 00:07:40,120 Planning Commission I'm not involved 159 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:42,319 with the Planning Commission I have no 160 00:07:40,120 --> 00:07:45,000 control over the Planning Commission I 161 00:07:42,319 --> 00:07:48,120 am just the messenger when the Planning 162 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:50,680 Commission has their stuff together Ross 163 00:07:48,120 --> 00:07:53,478 emails it to the clerk's Department we 164 00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:55,840 send it out I have no rules on it 165 00:07:53,478 --> 00:07:57,959 because it's not my department I have 166 00:07:55,839 --> 00:08:00,598 nothing to do with it so I appreciate 167 00:07:57,959 --> 00:08:02,198 you recognizing that and thank you me I 168 00:08:00,598 --> 00:08:04,839 thanks so everyone knows who she's 169 00:08:02,199 --> 00:08:07,598 talking about I should be able to 170 00:08:04,839 --> 00:08:10,359 respond we know know who she's talking 171 00:08:07,598 --> 00:08:13,639 about it's not Janette it's okay it's 172 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:16,680 not it's not a question Scott thank you 173 00:08:13,639 --> 00:08:19,680 sincere thank you 174 00:08:16,680 --> 00:08:22,680 for 175 00:08:19,680 --> 00:08:22,680 um 176 00:08:22,759 --> 00:08:29,560 yes 177 00:08:25,598 --> 00:08:32,000 you I know is it working 178 00:08:29,560 --> 00:08:32,000 sure I'll 179 00:08:32,799 --> 00:08:35,958 Che oh 180 00:08:37,679 --> 00:08:43,439 yeah long do I get three minutes three 181 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:45,799 three minutes okay Stephanie Booth uh my 182 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:49,160 husband and I own property on tipsico 183 00:08:45,799 --> 00:08:52,639 lake in Germany Road um little update 184 00:08:49,159 --> 00:08:54,919 from WHMI um Livingston County drain 185 00:08:52,639 --> 00:08:57,039 commission reports a sanitary sewer 186 00:08:54,919 --> 00:08:59,759 overflow occurred in the Fenton area 187 00:08:57,039 --> 00:09:02,039 Saturday afternoon according to a 188 00:08:59,759 --> 00:09:05,120 release the Overflow occurred between 189 00:09:02,039 --> 00:09:08,199 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. at the intersection 190 00:09:05,120 --> 00:09:11,519 of NYY and Hogan roads and ran across 191 00:09:08,200 --> 00:09:14,640 both Hogan Road in Old us23 into the 192 00:09:11,519 --> 00:09:16,639 ditches uh Tyrone Township supervisor 193 00:09:14,639 --> 00:09:19,838 Livingston County Health Department and 194 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:22,159 Eagle were notified the sewer overflow 195 00:09:19,839 --> 00:09:25,800 was the result of a pipe failure with an 196 00:09:22,159 --> 00:09:28,600 estimated discharged of 20 of 20,000 197 00:09:25,799 --> 00:09:30,599 gallons and it gives numbers to contact 198 00:09:28,600 --> 00:09:32,278 so that was worth noting cuz those roads 199 00:09:30,600 --> 00:09:35,600 are both brought up at the Planning 200 00:09:32,278 --> 00:09:38,200 Commission meetings um so I I definitely 201 00:09:35,600 --> 00:09:40,519 think it's worth noting um also the 202 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:41,959 Livingston post has a recent article 203 00:09:40,519 --> 00:09:45,919 about 204 00:09:41,958 --> 00:09:49,000 um uh not the commissioner here for this 205 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:52,958 um Township um however he is in a big 206 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:54,799 dispute with the drain commissioner um 207 00:09:52,958 --> 00:09:57,000 it maybe they all are I don't know but 208 00:09:54,799 --> 00:10:00,439 you you ought it's worth your while to 209 00:09:57,000 --> 00:10:02,639 note um that there is a big deal going 210 00:10:00,440 --> 00:10:05,200 on a lot of dispute at a higher level 211 00:10:02,639 --> 00:10:08,879 for the county with the Drain 212 00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:12,399 Commission uh and essentially um County 213 00:10:08,879 --> 00:10:15,919 Commissioners um so I it's worth your 214 00:10:12,399 --> 00:10:17,879 while to know it um I find it little bit 215 00:10:15,919 --> 00:10:20,319 weird and and somewhat inappropriate 216 00:10:17,879 --> 00:10:22,559 Maybe I'm Wrong um but like why are you 217 00:10:20,320 --> 00:10:25,440 like last time I was here you said there 218 00:10:22,559 --> 00:10:29,159 was only one person that brought up a 219 00:10:25,440 --> 00:10:31,279 tax hardship or or applying for that um 220 00:10:29,159 --> 00:10:33,958 what what's uh what's the big concern 221 00:10:31,278 --> 00:10:35,679 with trying to uh push for this isn't 222 00:10:33,958 --> 00:10:38,199 that a good thing that people are paying 223 00:10:35,679 --> 00:10:40,439 their taxes why are you pandering to um 224 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:42,480 people that you know hey guess what you 225 00:10:40,440 --> 00:10:45,440 can get out of it like don't we need 226 00:10:42,480 --> 00:10:47,800 taxes for our roads and such um so I 227 00:10:45,440 --> 00:10:50,320 find that a little awkward um and 228 00:10:47,799 --> 00:10:54,759 interesting and I I think it's an area 229 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:56,519 for me anyway of concern um so I'll get 230 00:10:54,759 --> 00:10:59,399 that out of the way I don't know what 231 00:10:56,519 --> 00:11:01,360 her role is but I find her uh 232 00:10:59,399 --> 00:11:02,958 Interruption and I feel it's wrong that 233 00:11:01,360 --> 00:11:05,278 she should be interrupting public 234 00:11:02,958 --> 00:11:07,439 speakers I've watched many of the videos 235 00:11:05,278 --> 00:11:10,799 and I think it's highly 236 00:11:07,440 --> 00:11:12,920 inappropriate um that being said like I 237 00:11:10,799 --> 00:11:16,000 said keep an eye on the things going on 238 00:11:12,919 --> 00:11:18,719 at a higher level the timing of this uh 239 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:21,120 pipe um this drainage I really think 240 00:11:18,720 --> 00:11:23,519 it's worth your while to check it out uh 241 00:11:21,120 --> 00:11:24,320 you know we're taxpayers we we deserve 242 00:11:23,519 --> 00:11:26,000 good 243 00:11:24,320 --> 00:11:27,800 representation that's all I'm going to 244 00:11:26,000 --> 00:11:32,839 say for now thank 245 00:11:27,799 --> 00:11:32,838 you thank you Stephanie thank 246 00:11:35,679 --> 00:11:41,599 you I leave on the cler with the article 247 00:11:39,440 --> 00:11:41,600 thank 248 00:11:44,399 --> 00:11:50,320 you all right anybody else 249 00:11:54,320 --> 00:11:59,839 Janette Janette Retta Tyrone Township 250 00:11:57,278 --> 00:12:01,720 resident I love when people show up to a 251 00:11:59,839 --> 00:12:04,639 couple meetings never been here and 252 00:12:01,720 --> 00:12:07,360 they're going to um call me out for my 253 00:12:04,639 --> 00:12:09,839 actions when they have no idea what I've 254 00:12:07,360 --> 00:12:13,800 dealt with with the previous board 255 00:12:09,839 --> 00:12:16,519 calling me a liar yelling at me uh 256 00:12:13,799 --> 00:12:20,000 making faces at me rolling their eyes 257 00:12:16,519 --> 00:12:22,879 etc etc so um hey somebody else can get 258 00:12:20,000 --> 00:12:26,278 up and talk about me I can defend all 259 00:12:22,879 --> 00:12:29,720 right let agenda let's stay to the 260 00:12:26,278 --> 00:12:32,039 agenda and 261 00:12:29,720 --> 00:12:33,480 stay to the agenda please so but you 262 00:12:32,039 --> 00:12:36,639 just didn't make everybody else stay to 263 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:38,560 the agenda so also someone else okay 264 00:12:36,639 --> 00:12:40,799 that's fine I'll sit down The rules are 265 00:12:38,559 --> 00:12:42,518 not for everyone Pam gets to talk from 266 00:12:40,799 --> 00:12:45,278 her position of power everybody knows 267 00:12:42,519 --> 00:12:45,278 who she's talking 268 00:12:52,159 --> 00:12:56,039 about uh is there anybody 269 00:12:56,078 --> 00:13:00,399 else yeah Kurt 270 00:13:06,679 --> 00:13:12,559 her 271 00:13:08,360 --> 00:13:15,720 Schult I'm a Silver Lake Estates number 272 00:13:12,559 --> 00:13:19,159 two and I'd like to address the closed 273 00:13:15,720 --> 00:13:22,759 meetings that the board is going to go 274 00:13:19,159 --> 00:13:25,759 into um first of all I want to thank the 275 00:13:22,759 --> 00:13:29,559 the board for those people who voted for 276 00:13:25,759 --> 00:13:34,799 censure on people um that that took a 277 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:37,799 lot of a lot of uh effort and it also 278 00:13:34,799 --> 00:13:40,599 was uh there was a lot of pressure 279 00:13:37,799 --> 00:13:41,838 applied so you did the right thing just 280 00:13:40,600 --> 00:13:45,480 so you know 281 00:13:41,839 --> 00:13:48,000 that um I guess the the thing that I'm 282 00:13:45,480 --> 00:13:50,360 taking a look at is we're being sued by 283 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:52,679 a board member two board 284 00:13:50,360 --> 00:13:55,480 members 285 00:13:52,679 --> 00:13:58,679 now that's really physically 286 00:13:55,480 --> 00:14:00,199 responsible that's how we're going to 287 00:13:58,679 --> 00:14:03,719 have to pay 288 00:14:00,198 --> 00:14:06,838 for a lawsuit that is filed against us 289 00:14:03,720 --> 00:14:09,560 your jobs here are riskmanagement and 290 00:14:06,839 --> 00:14:12,920 you are not a risk manager you are 291 00:14:09,559 --> 00:14:14,758 causing the risk 292 00:14:12,919 --> 00:14:18,120 here and 293 00:14:14,759 --> 00:14:21,399 you when you get into a power grab like 294 00:14:18,120 --> 00:14:25,278 has gone on here where you try to 295 00:14:21,399 --> 00:14:29,159 pressure people off of the Planning 296 00:14:25,278 --> 00:14:30,240 Commission and you send a letter as 297 00:14:29,159 --> 00:14:33,039 board 298 00:14:30,240 --> 00:14:34,120 members indicating that it had come from 299 00:14:33,039 --> 00:14:38,278 the 300 00:14:34,120 --> 00:14:40,360 board Kurt this is not on the agenda 301 00:14:38,278 --> 00:14:42,120 what aren't you going to go into a 302 00:14:40,360 --> 00:14:45,399 closed session on 303 00:14:42,120 --> 00:14:48,399 it no we're going into a closed session 304 00:14:45,399 --> 00:14:51,440 for the Anderson Tyrone Township but we 305 00:14:48,399 --> 00:14:53,799 didn't announce what it was well I will 306 00:14:51,440 --> 00:14:58,560 right now that we're not going into that 307 00:14:53,799 --> 00:15:00,899 closed session for that okay so so I'll 308 00:14:58,559 --> 00:15:04,558 pass second thank 309 00:15:00,899 --> 00:15:04,558 [Music] 310 00:15:05,759 --> 00:15:12,680 you is there anybody 311 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:12,680 else yeah 312 00:15:22,919 --> 00:15:29,559 bill so my concern is uh the sewer 313 00:15:26,399 --> 00:15:31,799 drainage that happened um that water 314 00:15:29,559 --> 00:15:34,239 flows directly into my 315 00:15:31,799 --> 00:15:37,838 Lake um I want to know what's being done 316 00:15:34,240 --> 00:15:41,318 about it or if it was contained 317 00:15:37,839 --> 00:15:44,480 or is it part of the lake 318 00:15:41,318 --> 00:15:45,799 now can you call me tomorrow yeah wait 319 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:48,519 call me and I'll give you the right 320 00:15:45,799 --> 00:15:51,399 people to talk to okay okay I I'm going 321 00:15:48,519 --> 00:15:54,000 to be at a meeting Thursday morning with 322 00:15:51,399 --> 00:15:57,078 that whole group but I do not have a 323 00:15:54,000 --> 00:16:00,159 report from the health department yet I 324 00:15:57,078 --> 00:16:03,519 know that the pipe has been fixed 325 00:16:00,159 --> 00:16:07,439 and that they have done some 326 00:16:03,519 --> 00:16:11,120 something to The Pump Station to 327 00:16:07,440 --> 00:16:14,959 mitigate some of the uh odors but I do 328 00:16:11,120 --> 00:16:17,839 not know all the details okay um 329 00:16:14,958 --> 00:16:21,078 Jennifer was working with Frank to try 330 00:16:17,839 --> 00:16:23,880 to get him here tonight to explain the 331 00:16:21,078 --> 00:16:26,559 details but he had a previous commitment 332 00:16:23,879 --> 00:16:29,679 because of the short notice so hopefully 333 00:16:26,559 --> 00:16:32,439 he'll be here at our next board meeting 334 00:16:29,679 --> 00:16:35,359 to give you uh more details and in the 335 00:16:32,440 --> 00:16:37,399 meantime her and I are still trying to 336 00:16:35,360 --> 00:16:40,440 bring it all together okay thank you all 337 00:16:37,399 --> 00:16:40,440 right Bill y 338 00:16:44,039 --> 00:16:48,078 y anybody 339 00:16:46,078 --> 00:16:50,838 else yeah 340 00:16:48,078 --> 00:16:53,198 Dave good 341 00:16:50,839 --> 00:16:56,040 evening a little bit late I apologize 342 00:16:53,198 --> 00:16:59,240 for that I was supposed to 343 00:16:56,039 --> 00:17:01,000 meet M kanteti from EMS here this 344 00:16:59,240 --> 00:17:03,600 evening she was going to make a 345 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:06,880 presentation on behalf of EMS actually 346 00:17:03,600 --> 00:17:10,439 she is uh we are meeting with 347 00:17:06,880 --> 00:17:13,240 her tomorrow tomorrow oh yeah her and 348 00:17:10,439 --> 00:17:15,798 her associate yes we're going to go over 349 00:17:13,240 --> 00:17:17,679 that whole and then we'll have it for 350 00:17:15,798 --> 00:17:20,359 the board at the next meeting that would 351 00:17:17,679 --> 00:17:23,160 be good listen I'm here to wish you all 352 00:17:20,359 --> 00:17:26,038 uh good luck in this new Endeavor you 353 00:17:23,160 --> 00:17:28,640 know there's uh County government and 354 00:17:26,038 --> 00:17:29,798 and uh local government at the township 355 00:17:28,640 --> 00:17:31,360 level 356 00:17:29,798 --> 00:17:34,558 sometimes a very 357 00:17:31,359 --> 00:17:37,279 challenging uh occupation so to speak 358 00:17:34,558 --> 00:17:38,359 and it doesn't always run smoothly but I 359 00:17:37,279 --> 00:17:40,798 think with the effort that you're 360 00:17:38,359 --> 00:17:43,959 putting forth you'll be rewarded with 361 00:17:40,798 --> 00:17:46,480 your own success and if at any time I 362 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:48,919 can be of any help to you please don't 363 00:17:46,480 --> 00:17:51,679 hesitate to contact me all right good 364 00:17:48,919 --> 00:17:55,038 thanks Dave good 365 00:17:51,679 --> 00:17:59,559 evening I know that wasn't on the agenda 366 00:17:55,038 --> 00:17:59,558 but he's our commissioner 367 00:17:59,640 --> 00:18:02,880 all 368 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:05,640 right 369 00:18:02,880 --> 00:18:09,760 um unfinished 370 00:18:05,640 --> 00:18:12,799 business I would just like to make a uh 371 00:18:09,759 --> 00:18:15,919 uh uh a short statement in regards to 372 00:18:12,798 --> 00:18:19,038 the Hogan Road we talked about it at the 373 00:18:15,919 --> 00:18:22,799 last board meeting um putting together a 374 00:18:19,038 --> 00:18:29,679 study we had Gerald fiser uh had 375 00:18:22,798 --> 00:18:34,519 extensive comment and um tomorrow uh h 376 00:18:29,679 --> 00:18:37,400 and McKenna our planner and myself and 377 00:18:34,519 --> 00:18:39,879 Ross are are meeting to move that 378 00:18:37,400 --> 00:18:43,320 forward and try to get some kind of a a 379 00:18:39,880 --> 00:18:46,480 study spec together so people aren't 380 00:18:43,319 --> 00:18:48,720 just wandering all over and they we get 381 00:18:46,480 --> 00:18:48,720 them 382 00:18:49,119 --> 00:18:55,558 focused um that's it for unfinished 383 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:58,119 business anything think somebody else 384 00:18:55,558 --> 00:19:01,119 has something no I was just going to say 385 00:18:58,119 --> 00:19:03,879 based on the comment about the sewage 386 00:19:01,119 --> 00:19:07,399 break we should add add to that list 387 00:19:03,880 --> 00:19:09,280 when talking to fiser and McKenna to 388 00:19:07,400 --> 00:19:11,240 look at the engineering of the road and 389 00:19:09,279 --> 00:19:14,918 whether the truck traffic had a direct 390 00:19:11,240 --> 00:19:17,159 impact on that sewage line 391 00:19:14,919 --> 00:19:21,799 breaking sorry that was just a note I 392 00:19:17,159 --> 00:19:21,799 just took based on that so that's a good 393 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:33,400 point all right thanks 394 00:19:30,798 --> 00:19:37,240 Chris all right so I'll move into new 395 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:40,320 business and uh item one on the agenda 396 00:19:37,240 --> 00:19:42,759 the employee medical insurance policy 397 00:19:40,319 --> 00:19:42,759 and 398 00:19:43,519 --> 00:19:49,038 comparisons um assuming you've all had a 399 00:19:46,839 --> 00:19:51,879 chance to look at 400 00:19:49,038 --> 00:19:53,919 that so I'd like to speak on that for a 401 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:57,000 minute here to get our figures 402 00:19:53,919 --> 00:20:00,159 straightened out sure um what's in our 403 00:19:57,000 --> 00:20:03,480 package here for this rate renewal and 404 00:20:00,159 --> 00:20:06,880 the change in that First Column I 405 00:20:03,480 --> 00:20:09,120 apologize you're 3 minutes is whoops 406 00:20:06,880 --> 00:20:09,120 we're 407 00:20:09,279 --> 00:20:15,759 done so in the leftand column you'll see 408 00:20:12,599 --> 00:20:18,199 the total annual premium was 409 00:20:15,759 --> 00:20:22,480 $28,495 410 00:20:18,200 --> 00:20:25,279 32 so that number is not accurate and 411 00:20:22,480 --> 00:20:28,079 the total billable members at the top 412 00:20:25,279 --> 00:20:31,599 where it says 10 that is not accurate 413 00:20:28,079 --> 00:20:35,199 that was accurate for December January 414 00:20:31,599 --> 00:20:39,119 February and March however um we had 415 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:42,240 another employee that was on the policy 416 00:20:39,119 --> 00:20:44,639 for January all the way through November 417 00:20:42,240 --> 00:20:46,640 and we were paying 418 00:20:44,640 --> 00:20:51,400 $1,682 419 00:20:46,640 --> 00:20:56,080 23 per month in addition to that 420 00:20:51,400 --> 00:20:59,960 10,746 right here so that equals 421 00:20:56,079 --> 00:21:03,038 $1,386 184 that we were paying 422 00:20:59,960 --> 00:21:06,558 um for that and our grand total for a 423 00:21:03,038 --> 00:21:08,400 year would be 148 424 00:21:06,558 --> 00:21:14,240 642 425 00:21:08,400 --> 00:21:16,000 and8 so our actual increase was actually 426 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:19,640 $494 um 427 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:21,679 between this cost here in the left 428 00:21:19,640 --> 00:21:24,840 column and the right hand cost so those 429 00:21:21,679 --> 00:21:27,400 numbers don't really reflect what truly 430 00:21:24,839 --> 00:21:29,720 happened due to us having an employee 431 00:21:27,400 --> 00:21:32,400 removed from the polic 432 00:21:29,720 --> 00:21:33,960 see they just have quoted what we are 433 00:21:32,400 --> 00:21:36,759 paying rate at this moment what we're 434 00:21:33,960 --> 00:21:40,440 currently paying right which was only 435 00:21:36,759 --> 00:21:43,079 ban for December and 436 00:21:40,440 --> 00:21:45,080 January so what's the new number then is 437 00:21:43,079 --> 00:21:49,678 that nine then and not 438 00:21:45,079 --> 00:21:53,798 10 no it's actually we had 11 employees 439 00:21:49,679 --> 00:21:56,600 before and now we currently have 10 but 440 00:21:53,798 --> 00:21:58,879 in the leftand column they had put 10 441 00:21:56,599 --> 00:22:02,199 because that's what we're currently at 442 00:21:58,880 --> 00:22:05,240 for December January February and March 443 00:22:02,200 --> 00:22:07,400 billable but we actually had 11 444 00:22:05,240 --> 00:22:09,720 employees for January all the way 445 00:22:07,400 --> 00:22:09,720 through 446 00:22:14,159 --> 00:22:20,080 November so I mean are you going to 447 00:22:17,720 --> 00:22:22,038 restate these numbers then with the or 448 00:22:20,079 --> 00:22:24,519 is is there a restatement of these 449 00:22:22,038 --> 00:22:27,919 numbers that other than just verbalizing 450 00:22:24,519 --> 00:22:31,278 them no I mean I contacted the company 451 00:22:27,919 --> 00:22:34,159 Blue Cross and Blue Shield at first to 452 00:22:31,278 --> 00:22:36,359 confirm that it was what I suspected and 453 00:22:34,159 --> 00:22:38,840 it that's exactly what happened I have 454 00:22:36,359 --> 00:22:41,558 the invoices copies of the invoices that 455 00:22:38,839 --> 00:22:45,678 we have paid and that to confirm all of 456 00:22:41,558 --> 00:22:49,000 this um but I don't put it out in no no 457 00:22:45,679 --> 00:22:50,679 no I I I I'm not arguing about the the 458 00:22:49,000 --> 00:22:52,159 additional employee or anything like 459 00:22:50,679 --> 00:22:53,840 that I'm talking about it sounds like 460 00:22:52,159 --> 00:22:57,000 maybe these renewal numbers are 461 00:22:53,839 --> 00:22:59,558 different then stated it actually right 462 00:22:57,000 --> 00:23:01,359 here in the right hand column that 463 00:22:59,558 --> 00:23:04,399 146 464 00:23:01,359 --> 00:23:05,678 8.08 that is accurate that's the what 465 00:23:04,400 --> 00:23:09,240 going to cost I just wanted to make sure 466 00:23:05,679 --> 00:23:10,919 that that column was the changes weren't 467 00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:13,720 yeah okay that's all I was saying is if 468 00:23:10,919 --> 00:23:16,400 if any needed to be restated based on 469 00:23:13,720 --> 00:23:18,200 those those numbers in the right column 470 00:23:16,400 --> 00:23:20,360 or if that's the correct number I just 471 00:23:18,200 --> 00:23:22,600 wanted to clarify for everyone because 472 00:23:20,359 --> 00:23:25,519 it looks like when you look at that 473 00:23:22,599 --> 00:23:28,278 128 and then you go over and see 146 474 00:23:25,519 --> 00:23:29,839 you're like w that's a $20,000 increase 475 00:23:28,278 --> 00:23:32,278 right that and so I just wanted to 476 00:23:29,839 --> 00:23:34,480 clarify what had actually happened and 477 00:23:32,278 --> 00:23:38,400 that that isn't the true increase the 478 00:23:34,480 --> 00:23:38,400 true increase is actually 479 00:23:40,278 --> 00:23:46,960 $494 okay thanks 480 00:23:44,038 --> 00:23:51,240 mhm in viewing both of these I see that 481 00:23:46,960 --> 00:23:52,798 they're both the same renewal 482 00:23:51,240 --> 00:23:56,839 cost 483 00:23:52,798 --> 00:24:00,879 um but the second one has a larger cost 484 00:23:56,839 --> 00:24:04,199 to the employee as in cop payments MH 485 00:24:00,880 --> 00:24:04,200 does everyone see the same 486 00:24:04,759 --> 00:24:10,319 thing so I make a motion to approve I 487 00:24:08,079 --> 00:24:12,240 have one other question I apologize or 488 00:24:10,319 --> 00:24:14,038 we can we can motion and whatnot but I 489 00:24:12,240 --> 00:24:16,038 still have a couple questions go ahead 490 00:24:14,038 --> 00:24:18,519 um question 491 00:24:16,038 --> 00:24:22,480 the 492 00:24:18,519 --> 00:24:25,798 uh is there any portion of these medical 493 00:24:22,480 --> 00:24:29,399 plans or the medical plan that's paid by 494 00:24:25,798 --> 00:24:31,200 the employee no no okay so it's 100% 495 00:24:29,398 --> 00:24:35,918 100% funded by 496 00:24:31,200 --> 00:24:40,679 the yep okay in the second one I saw 497 00:24:35,919 --> 00:24:42,919 that on page seven of 498 00:24:40,679 --> 00:24:47,278 the 499 00:24:42,919 --> 00:24:51,080 Acure presentation pardon me the did I 500 00:24:47,278 --> 00:24:54,200 get that right um it's that uh based on 501 00:24:51,079 --> 00:24:59,158 the current one uh the numbers lined up 502 00:24:54,200 --> 00:25:01,798 on page seven of that quote um is 503 00:24:59,159 --> 00:25:04,278 they're also quoting it looks like the 504 00:25:01,798 --> 00:25:06,759 same amount from a dollar value 505 00:25:04,278 --> 00:25:09,000 perspective in the renewal SE section 506 00:25:06,759 --> 00:25:12,558 the second column 507 00:25:09,000 --> 00:25:14,919 right and but there's uh is there a 508 00:25:12,558 --> 00:25:18,200 difference between those plans that that 509 00:25:14,919 --> 00:25:20,038 you know of between the current the all 510 00:25:18,200 --> 00:25:22,759 the numbers look the same the only one 511 00:25:20,038 --> 00:25:25,839 that looked different was the title that 512 00:25:22,759 --> 00:25:28,679 showed that the renewal the increase was 513 00:25:25,839 --> 00:25:30,319 including elective abortions with 514 00:25:28,679 --> 00:25:31,559 elective abortion in the title but I 515 00:25:30,319 --> 00:25:33,720 don't know what that means well I think 516 00:25:31,558 --> 00:25:37,839 the current and the renewal on the and 517 00:25:33,720 --> 00:25:39,558 on that plan are the same um other than 518 00:25:37,839 --> 00:25:42,480 the totals going 519 00:25:39,558 --> 00:25:45,440 up the amount of money and and the Cod 520 00:25:42,480 --> 00:25:47,000 payments versus what we have right now 521 00:25:45,440 --> 00:25:48,360 okay because the plan titles were 522 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:51,240 different I just didn't know if the 523 00:25:48,359 --> 00:25:54,558 increase was due to adding elective 524 00:25:51,240 --> 00:25:57,079 abortions from the title No which which 525 00:25:54,558 --> 00:25:58,839 I'm not in favor of a government paying 526 00:25:57,079 --> 00:26:03,519 for that but 527 00:25:58,839 --> 00:26:03,519 um I think that would be an important 528 00:26:06,278 --> 00:26:09,278 element 529 00:26:09,640 --> 00:26:18,799 woman come on okay I make a motion to 530 00:26:13,839 --> 00:26:24,599 approve um Blue Cross Blue Shield I 531 00:26:18,798 --> 00:26:28,839 second all in favor I I and 532 00:26:24,599 --> 00:26:28,839 oppose all right 533 00:26:31,599 --> 00:26:37,439 Historical Society 534 00:26:34,159 --> 00:26:40,200 yep uh moving on to new business number 535 00:26:37,440 --> 00:26:42,320 two the Historical Society requests to 536 00:26:40,200 --> 00:26:45,880 use the township hall and the property 537 00:26:42,319 --> 00:26:45,879 for the Pioneer 538 00:26:46,558 --> 00:26:52,319 Day so th this will be their third one 539 00:26:49,880 --> 00:26:55,799 yeah um they utilize our property there 540 00:26:52,319 --> 00:26:59,158 haven't been any issues um in the past 541 00:26:55,798 --> 00:27:02,000 and they do hold a policy um through 542 00:26:59,159 --> 00:27:04,159 Heartland Insurance company for the 543 00:27:02,000 --> 00:27:06,200 event um that they're carrying the 544 00:27:04,159 --> 00:27:08,440 liability rather than the township 545 00:27:06,200 --> 00:27:11,640 carrying the liary for for that event 546 00:27:08,440 --> 00:27:14,120 yes y two days and that's a two-day 547 00:27:11,640 --> 00:27:17,120 event I well they set up Friday to begin 548 00:27:14,119 --> 00:27:19,079 right or one day I don't know next any 549 00:27:17,119 --> 00:27:23,038 of you have been to that but it's it's 550 00:27:19,079 --> 00:27:27,158 pretty fun I've been there a couple 551 00:27:23,038 --> 00:27:30,359 times so and and it uh helps bring uh 552 00:27:27,159 --> 00:27:34,559 some semblance of community for our 553 00:27:30,359 --> 00:27:37,319 Township which is is nice so it'll be a 554 00:27:34,558 --> 00:27:39,398 Saturday and a Sunday correct then no no 555 00:27:37,319 --> 00:27:41,519 I take it's just Saturday the 19 556 00:27:39,398 --> 00:27:45,079 Saturday and then tear down 557 00:27:41,519 --> 00:27:50,240 okay Saturday and what's those dates 558 00:27:45,079 --> 00:27:53,240 July 19th 18th 18th 559 00:27:50,240 --> 00:27:55,679 is the setup then the event is on the 560 00:27:53,240 --> 00:27:59,880 19th and then they'll tear down on the 561 00:27:55,679 --> 00:28:01,320 19th July 19th right 18th and 19th 562 00:27:59,880 --> 00:28:03,840 Friday and Saturday and we didn't have 563 00:28:01,319 --> 00:28:07,319 anything on the calendar previously 564 00:28:03,839 --> 00:28:09,119 going on great all right make a motion 565 00:28:07,319 --> 00:28:11,079 to approve 566 00:28:09,119 --> 00:28:15,918 second I have 567 00:28:11,079 --> 00:28:18,519 support all right all in favor I I 568 00:28:15,919 --> 00:28:21,480 oppose all 569 00:28:18,519 --> 00:28:25,919 right uh item number three is is the 570 00:28:21,480 --> 00:28:28,558 Clos session and um I would like to uh 571 00:28:25,919 --> 00:28:31,519 to move that the Township Board enter 572 00:28:28,558 --> 00:28:32,798 closed session to discuss possible 573 00:28:31,519 --> 00:28:35,839 settlement 574 00:28:32,798 --> 00:28:39,119 strategies regarding the Anderson versus 575 00:28:35,839 --> 00:28:41,000 Tyrone Township lawsuit in Livingston 576 00:28:39,119 --> 00:28:46,239 County Circuit 577 00:28:41,000 --> 00:28:46,240 Court com I have a question do we 578 00:28:46,798 --> 00:28:50,278 do after 579 00:28:51,720 --> 00:28:56,319 after it's going to be short 580 00:29:00,640 --> 00:29:08,000 all right you got a second oh yeah you 581 00:29:04,960 --> 00:29:10,000 made the resolution yes okay I'll second 582 00:29:08,000 --> 00:29:12,839 it Jennifer 583 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:18,480 second all in favor well we have to do a 584 00:29:12,839 --> 00:29:21,398 roll call roll call y y her Ferguson yes 585 00:29:18,480 --> 00:29:24,880 Greg KS yes Jennifer Eden yes Sarah 586 00:29:21,398 --> 00:29:29,239 dolman Jersey yes Chris Reta yes Dean 587 00:29:24,880 --> 00:29:32,200 hos is not here Pam mler yes 588 00:29:29,240 --> 00:29:32,200 ose session 589 00:29:35,519 --> 00:29:40,480 7353 right and then when we return we'll 590 00:29:38,119 --> 00:29:43,479 cover miscellaneous business and public 591 00:29:40,480 --> 00:29:43,480 remarks 592 00:29:58,220 --> 00:30:01,400 [Music] 593 00:30:10,440 --> 00:30:13,578 [Music] 594 00:30:24,398 --> 00:30:27,798 where are you going 595 00:30:28,278 --> 00:30:31,278 SP 596 00:30:58,480 --> 00:31:01,960 just like 597 00:31:12,529 --> 00:31:15,720 [Music] 598 00:31:33,960 --> 00:31:36,960 it's 599 00:32:02,839 --> 00:32:06,240 yeah I 600 00:32:16,930 --> 00:32:19,999 [Music] 601 00:32:32,480 --> 00:32:36,360 I will ad to that 602 00:32:55,599 --> 00:32:58,649 [Music] 603 00:33:01,880 --> 00:33:07,039 Okay so we've been there for 604 00:33:40,638 --> 00:33:43,918 y y 605 00:33:52,359 --> 00:34:01,319 count and then they 606 00:33:55,079 --> 00:34:01,319 put and next year it's real close 607 00:34:04,720 --> 00:34:09,499 [Music] 608 00:34:12,329 --> 00:34:15,579 [Music] 609 00:34:28,239 --> 00:34:35,918 you have is 610 00:34:30,639 --> 00:34:35,919 St the only questions St 611 00:35:17,679 --> 00:35:20,679 two 612 00:35:50,079 --> 00:35:53,119 I know everything 613 00:35:54,559 --> 00:35:58,559 that's 196 614 00:36:04,809 --> 00:36:10,679 [Music] 615 00:36:07,679 --> 00:36:10,679 l 616 00:36:16,769 --> 00:36:19,969 [Music] 617 00:36:29,519 --> 00:36:32,519 yes 618 00:36:57,019 --> 00:37:00,099 [Music] 619 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:03,760 yes 620 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:38,079 something you don't see 621 00:37:44,630 --> 00:37:47,809 [Music] 622 00:38:17,199 --> 00:38:22,318 I fig it's just security for the guys 623 00:38:29,239 --> 00:38:32,239 some 624 00:39:02,909 --> 00:39:06,089 [Music] 625 00:39:08,358 --> 00:39:12,358 czy apartment 626 00:39:30,090 --> 00:39:34,789 [Music] 627 00:39:35,400 --> 00:39:41,800 she met a 628 00:39:36,639 --> 00:39:41,799 Bo he got a job down there 629 00:40:25,119 --> 00:40:31,200 problem yep make it 67 as soon as you 630 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:34,800 hit the 631 00:40:31,199 --> 00:40:37,799 line I don't care how F going they see 632 00:40:34,800 --> 00:40:37,800 that 633 00:40:59,000 --> 00:41:04,760 people there 634 00:41:02,519 --> 00:41:07,119 Columbus there's just a dark cloud that 635 00:41:04,760 --> 00:41:07,119 hangs 636 00:41:20,119 --> 00:41:24,119 over yes 637 00:41:33,050 --> 00:41:36,119 [Music] 638 00:41:39,400 --> 00:41:45,639 you can drive down the street smell the 639 00:42:05,820 --> 00:42:08,999 [Music] 640 00:42:11,599 --> 00:42:14,599 y 641 00:42:28,480 --> 00:42:31,159 we were 642 00:42:35,800 --> 00:42:43,559 suits more 643 00:42:38,480 --> 00:42:43,559 withes and yeah we start comping 644 00:43:15,079 --> 00:43:17,839 yes it's been 645 00:43:18,079 --> 00:43:22,079 interesting customer 646 00:43:27,369 --> 00:43:30,420 [Music] 647 00:43:55,440 --> 00:43:58,440 just 648 00:44:19,679 --> 00:44:24,000 the hospital that's 649 00:44:50,440 --> 00:44:55,409 w 650 00:44:52,289 --> 00:44:55,409 [Music] 651 00:45:17,949 --> 00:45:27,759 [Music] 652 00:45:24,760 --> 00:45:27,760 m 653 00:45:41,400 --> 00:45:44,599 just it's it's 654 00:45:52,119 --> 00:45:57,789 not to 655 00:45:54,639 --> 00:45:57,789 [Music] 656 00:46:18,070 --> 00:46:21,189 [Music] 657 00:46:21,440 --> 00:46:25,280 turns goes the other 658 00:46:29,599 --> 00:46:36,268 [Music] 659 00:46:53,019 --> 00:46:55,838 [Music] 660 00:46:54,440 --> 00:46:58,280 we're not going to 661 00:46:55,838 --> 00:47:02,279 get you know we 662 00:46:58,280 --> 00:47:02,280 don't win 663 00:47:09,179 --> 00:47:12,409 [Music] 664 00:47:54,679 --> 00:47:58,838 you think going come way 665 00:48:00,519 --> 00:48:04,519 it's Road 666 00:48:52,318 --> 00:48:55,599 well I would 667 00:49:06,400 --> 00:49:11,240 you get a 668 00:49:08,798 --> 00:49:13,358 discount I'm trying to say that's what 669 00:49:11,239 --> 00:49:13,358 they 670 00:49:20,079 --> 00:49:28,760 off I've tyone since 671 00:49:23,920 --> 00:49:31,920 1987 and uh pay 672 00:49:28,760 --> 00:49:35,559 that talking thousand thousand T 673 00:49:31,920 --> 00:49:35,559 probably tens of thousands 674 00:49:58,119 --> 00:50:06,119 I don't understand there's hard 675 00:50:01,838 --> 00:50:08,159 houses all the houses on C way off the 676 00:50:06,119 --> 00:50:11,269 they can Bo get the 677 00:50:08,159 --> 00:50:11,269 [Music] 678 00:50:15,239 --> 00:50:19,919 truck to see you guys 679 00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:29,920 they 680 00:51:25,358 --> 00:51:28,558 trying to find 681 00:51:33,559 --> 00:51:36,559 she 682 00:51:45,679 --> 00:51:48,809 [Music] 683 00:52:15,639 --> 00:52:20,558 know 500 at a time so 684 00:52:25,519 --> 00:52:29,559 actually exit 685 00:52:48,849 --> 00:52:52,019 [Music] 686 00:53:17,719 --> 00:53:20,799 [Music] 687 00:53:22,900 --> 00:53:26,019 [Music] 688 00:53:26,039 --> 00:53:28,440 through 689 00:53:35,070 --> 00:53:38,189 [Music] 690 00:53:53,840 --> 00:53:57,240 [Applause] 691 00:53:56,000 --> 00:54:01,159 the 692 00:53:57,239 --> 00:54:01,159 yeah it's all l 693 00:54:24,889 --> 00:54:27,989 [Music] 694 00:54:40,739 --> 00:54:43,879 [Music] 695 00:54:51,960 --> 00:54:58,318 should I can 696 00:54:54,280 --> 00:54:58,319 understand understand take 697 00:55:01,400 --> 00:55:04,400 St 698 00:55:13,619 --> 00:55:19,710 [Music] 699 00:55:40,639 --> 00:55:47,558 oh we lost her again 700 00:55:44,559 --> 00:55:47,559 go 701 00:55:48,318 --> 00:55:55,480 now someone's got to keep an eye on him 702 00:55:51,358 --> 00:55:56,920 I tried he's fast he disappears quickly 703 00:55:55,480 --> 00:56:01,159 we were going back 704 00:55:56,920 --> 00:56:01,159 we lost him twice this was the second 705 00:56:02,838 --> 00:56:07,480 time clearly he stopped off for a 706 00:56:07,679 --> 00:56:12,798 moment 707 00:56:09,519 --> 00:56:12,798 poor poor 708 00:56:19,440 --> 00:56:27,159 Herman take them I 709 00:56:23,159 --> 00:56:27,159 was at 710 00:56:30,159 --> 00:56:36,118 and one 711 00:56:32,159 --> 00:56:40,159 day then after that 712 00:56:36,119 --> 00:56:44,240 I her what's up 713 00:56:40,159 --> 00:56:44,239 her no I think you made 714 00:56:50,760 --> 00:56:57,440 stop CL Clos 715 00:56:53,280 --> 00:56:57,440 session I guess 716 00:56:58,519 --> 00:57:05,440 commission um just waiting on him to get 717 00:57:01,760 --> 00:57:05,440 up here we lost you 718 00:57:06,280 --> 00:57:13,400 man oh 719 00:57:08,798 --> 00:57:17,239 okay too much information too 720 00:57:13,400 --> 00:57:19,240 much making a stat 721 00:57:17,239 --> 00:57:22,639 St we 722 00:57:19,239 --> 00:57:24,399 all all right I would uh like to close 723 00:57:22,639 --> 00:57:26,838 the Clos 724 00:57:24,400 --> 00:57:30,559 session and we 725 00:57:26,838 --> 00:57:34,759 will move straight into miscellaneous 726 00:57:30,559 --> 00:57:38,559 business we don't have any do no any 727 00:57:34,760 --> 00:57:41,079 more miscellaneous no um just those two 728 00:57:38,559 --> 00:57:43,240 items that I brought up at the yeah the 729 00:57:41,079 --> 00:57:46,200 notice on the poverty exemption poverty 730 00:57:43,239 --> 00:57:49,479 exemption and then um the MailChimp 731 00:57:46,199 --> 00:57:51,558 licenses if we found out the cost of of 732 00:57:49,480 --> 00:57:55,480 those so that we could leverage that as 733 00:57:51,559 --> 00:57:57,280 well to to possibly notify the residents 734 00:57:55,480 --> 00:57:58,798 of this 735 00:57:57,280 --> 00:58:02,798 program 736 00:57:58,798 --> 00:58:05,519 yep I got a note for that so so we will 737 00:58:02,798 --> 00:58:09,480 all right um I guess we'll move straight 738 00:58:05,519 --> 00:58:12,759 into the final uh public 739 00:58:09,480 --> 00:58:12,760 remarks yes 740 00:58:17,039 --> 00:58:23,880 Scott my comment earlier wasn't to call 741 00:58:19,719 --> 00:58:26,879 anybody out my Carmart was to point out 742 00:58:23,880 --> 00:58:29,160 that we it's happening in the past when 743 00:58:26,880 --> 00:58:32,480 we had the asphalt 744 00:58:29,159 --> 00:58:34,399 plant some things were said that weren't 745 00:58:32,480 --> 00:58:37,440 right and the think it just blew out 746 00:58:34,400 --> 00:58:40,559 went out of control so and I think the 747 00:58:37,440 --> 00:58:43,559 social media part is great okay so we 748 00:58:40,559 --> 00:58:45,640 get some communication between the board 749 00:58:43,559 --> 00:58:48,359 maybe sometimes sometimes you guys get 750 00:58:45,639 --> 00:58:50,960 some information from us more on that 751 00:58:48,358 --> 00:58:53,119 but I made a comment all I said was I 752 00:58:50,960 --> 00:58:55,159 don't think this is completely right the 753 00:58:53,119 --> 00:58:56,880 comment that was on that was posted 754 00:58:55,159 --> 00:58:58,960 that's all I said and I didn't I didn't 755 00:58:56,880 --> 00:59:02,160 want to add to it because I wanted the 756 00:58:58,960 --> 00:59:04,199 the people up here to explain it to them 757 00:59:02,159 --> 00:59:06,159 not me it's not my place to explain it 758 00:59:04,199 --> 00:59:08,118 and I didn't want to add fuel to the 759 00:59:06,159 --> 00:59:11,719 fire so I wasn't trying to make a fight 760 00:59:08,119 --> 00:59:13,720 with anybody I just knew from my 761 00:59:11,719 --> 00:59:16,399 discussions that it wasn't completely 762 00:59:13,719 --> 00:59:18,719 correct okay so and I know there's 763 00:59:16,400 --> 00:59:20,160 another video out and I know Pam's name 764 00:59:18,719 --> 00:59:23,159 was on it and I'm not going to say 765 00:59:20,159 --> 00:59:24,639 nothing to be mean but this sewer thing 766 00:59:23,159 --> 00:59:26,318 we got to get find out what the problem 767 00:59:24,639 --> 00:59:28,798 was it goes back him when B was the 768 00:59:26,318 --> 00:59:30,960 office and so it's gone back people have 769 00:59:28,798 --> 00:59:33,559 notified the county that we had a 770 00:59:30,960 --> 00:59:35,480 problem there okay we know that so let's 771 00:59:33,559 --> 00:59:38,240 get on it let's investigate let's get it 772 00:59:35,480 --> 00:59:40,318 fixed so in the future and I know Greg 773 00:59:38,239 --> 00:59:43,598 you got I mean Chris you got to realize 774 00:59:40,318 --> 00:59:45,558 that when when things are said I mean 775 00:59:43,599 --> 00:59:48,720 I've done it in the past and I apologize 776 00:59:45,559 --> 00:59:50,359 for it and I've called myself wrong is 777 00:59:48,719 --> 00:59:52,318 you got you guys are working together 778 00:59:50,358 --> 00:59:54,440 you're a different position than I am 779 00:59:52,318 --> 00:59:58,000 you're working with these people so if 780 00:59:54,440 --> 01:00:00,119 it comes out you know it just it rubs 781 00:59:58,000 --> 01:00:01,798 their feathers and just like you're mad 782 01:00:00,119 --> 01:00:03,798 they're mad and there's just a lot of 783 01:00:01,798 --> 01:00:06,838 animosity we're not getting nothing 784 01:00:03,798 --> 01:00:09,159 done know it just we got to watch 785 01:00:06,838 --> 01:00:12,279 probably in the future and it's all stun 786 01:00:09,159 --> 01:00:14,239 back from the the Asal plant it just it 787 01:00:12,280 --> 01:00:16,519 just this Township's been on fire since 788 01:00:14,239 --> 01:00:18,838 then it's like a burning and burning and 789 01:00:16,519 --> 01:00:21,440 burning and I'm I'm I'm going to say 790 01:00:18,838 --> 01:00:23,759 this again and it's going to come up the 791 01:00:21,440 --> 01:00:26,358 next meeting is I don't like the fact 792 01:00:23,760 --> 01:00:29,119 what's going on and I'm not I'm not 793 01:00:26,358 --> 01:00:31,000 going to accept what happened okay and I 794 01:00:29,119 --> 01:00:33,000 think you guys need to come forward and 795 01:00:31,000 --> 01:00:35,199 take responsibility so I will tell you 796 01:00:33,000 --> 01:00:37,880 that and not Sue the township you're 797 01:00:35,199 --> 01:00:40,519 suing the people so I'll leave that one 798 01:00:37,880 --> 01:00:42,798 alone now when it comes to 799 01:00:40,519 --> 01:00:45,318 um this issue you guys just went in they 800 01:00:42,798 --> 01:00:47,519 moving about I've split 801 01:00:45,318 --> 01:00:51,119 property I sold real 802 01:00:47,519 --> 01:00:53,759 estate all of our Lakes are out here are 803 01:00:51,119 --> 01:00:55,760 all developed okay we've had people for 804 01:00:53,760 --> 01:00:57,359 years coming out here buying these 805 01:00:55,760 --> 01:00:59,559 little little Cottages or smaller homes 806 01:00:57,358 --> 01:01:01,880 and want to make castles out them well 807 01:00:59,559 --> 01:01:05,559 I'm under the understanding in my brain 808 01:01:01,880 --> 01:01:08,559 is you buy that house there's an 809 01:01:05,559 --> 01:01:10,480 established Sidelines okay and they want 810 01:01:08,559 --> 01:01:13,119 to come in and reestablish their sight 811 01:01:10,480 --> 01:01:14,280 lines okay and and that that's a tricky 812 01:01:13,119 --> 01:01:17,720 situation because they're already 813 01:01:14,280 --> 01:01:19,400 established by the existing homes so 814 01:01:17,719 --> 01:01:21,358 legally I don't know Chuck where you're 815 01:01:19,400 --> 01:01:23,720 where you come out for that but I think 816 01:01:21,358 --> 01:01:26,400 that's a pretty good guideline of how we 817 01:01:23,719 --> 01:01:28,439 should handle sight lines okay The 818 01:01:26,400 --> 01:01:30,599 Establishment it's EST you they've 819 01:01:28,440 --> 01:01:32,639 already been established and in the 820 01:01:30,599 --> 01:01:37,280 future maybe we can work on a little 821 01:01:32,639 --> 01:01:37,279 better our stuff all right thanks 822 01:01:37,440 --> 01:01:42,679 Scott all 823 01:01:39,280 --> 01:01:42,680 right uh 824 01:01:46,519 --> 01:01:53,920 sure Kevin Pierce uh Hogan Road uh I 825 01:01:52,278 --> 01:01:55,960 think when you guys have your meeting I 826 01:01:53,920 --> 01:01:57,400 I really believe that you need to go to 827 01:01:55,960 --> 01:01:58,679 Deerfield Township and get the special 828 01:01:57,400 --> 01:02:02,119 land use 829 01:01:58,679 --> 01:02:05,239 permits uh on the existing Gravel 830 01:02:02,119 --> 01:02:07,480 Pit uh there's a lot of things that he's 831 01:02:05,239 --> 01:02:10,278 doing that's not according to his 832 01:02:07,480 --> 01:02:12,559 special land use permits and the problem 833 01:02:10,278 --> 01:02:14,239 with that is is call them an ordinance 834 01:02:12,559 --> 01:02:17,400 call them wherever you want to there's 835 01:02:14,239 --> 01:02:21,439 nobody to enforce them so the road 836 01:02:17,400 --> 01:02:24,960 started out as 39 trucks a day and it's 837 01:02:21,440 --> 01:02:29,440 evolved to 150 trucks a day legally some 838 01:02:24,960 --> 01:02:32,440 days there're more some days less but 839 01:02:29,440 --> 01:02:36,318 coating Hogan Road with gallons and 840 01:02:32,440 --> 01:02:39,838 gallons of calcium chloride every week 841 01:02:36,318 --> 01:02:42,358 is not a way to get rid of the problem 842 01:02:39,838 --> 01:02:45,558 the problem is people have to shovel 843 01:02:42,358 --> 01:02:49,119 dust off the porches it's not safe 844 01:02:45,559 --> 01:02:51,880 they've taken a 25 M hour Zone increased 845 01:02:49,119 --> 01:02:54,599 it to 55 miles an hour there's no 846 01:02:51,880 --> 01:02:58,318 enforcements from the 847 01:02:54,599 --> 01:02:59,760 sheriff's uh so I I think it's it's 848 01:02:58,318 --> 01:03:01,838 going to be pretty valid for you to pick 849 01:02:59,760 --> 01:03:03,720 up that special land use permit to get 850 01:03:01,838 --> 01:03:06,000 there because if you have a 851 01:03:03,719 --> 01:03:08,000 meeting with someone that knows all the 852 01:03:06,000 --> 01:03:09,318 rules you're going to walk away just 853 01:03:08,000 --> 01:03:11,639 like we walked in there he's going to 854 01:03:09,318 --> 01:03:13,719 tell you he's doing everything right and 855 01:03:11,639 --> 01:03:16,239 nothing's going to get changed it wasn't 856 01:03:13,719 --> 01:03:18,798 until Mr fiser mentioned some of the 857 01:03:16,239 --> 01:03:21,278 things that these new proposed uh 858 01:03:18,798 --> 01:03:23,519 extraction plants are doing it's what's 859 01:03:21,278 --> 01:03:27,000 happening on Hogan Road for the last 10 860 01:03:23,519 --> 01:03:29,000 years so it makes you a little bit 861 01:03:27,000 --> 01:03:31,239 thinking hey something's going to happen 862 01:03:29,000 --> 01:03:35,318 uh you know the the road is 863 01:03:31,239 --> 01:03:38,078 overloaded with people driving from the 864 01:03:35,318 --> 01:03:39,960 modular home park and also I mean 865 01:03:38,079 --> 01:03:42,079 there's 400 and someone houses going out 866 01:03:39,960 --> 01:03:44,559 of there every morning and and I know 867 01:03:42,079 --> 01:03:46,720 that they made them PVE or drive to the 868 01:03:44,559 --> 01:03:49,039 doorstep but they don't use it and the 869 01:03:46,719 --> 01:03:52,439 gravel trains even in the the cold 870 01:03:49,039 --> 01:03:55,599 season it was 22 de last week 60 trucks 871 01:03:52,440 --> 01:03:57,760 came down that road on Wednesday and so 872 01:03:55,599 --> 01:04:02,559 uh Mr fiser was saying yeah you got some 873 01:03:57,760 --> 01:04:05,559 time to work on this 60 60 trucks a day 874 01:04:02,559 --> 01:04:07,880 in the cold season so those trucks are 875 01:04:05,559 --> 01:04:09,319 all getting dispatched from a a mass 876 01:04:07,880 --> 01:04:11,440 producer and they're picking up gravel 877 01:04:09,318 --> 01:04:13,400 and they don't care how they get it so 878 01:04:11,440 --> 01:04:16,760 you know it's 7 o'clock in the morning 879 01:04:13,400 --> 01:04:18,160 till 4: every day so it'd be nice to be 880 01:04:16,760 --> 01:04:20,839 informed of what you're going to argue 881 01:04:18,159 --> 01:04:23,719 about before you actually get there Mr 882 01:04:20,838 --> 01:04:28,038 Fisher said that that consent agreement 883 01:04:23,719 --> 01:04:30,480 was as as much tyone Township's deal the 884 01:04:28,039 --> 01:04:33,160 gravel plant and the road commission so 885 01:04:30,480 --> 01:04:34,679 equally the three people need to decide 886 01:04:33,159 --> 01:04:38,558 what to do on that 887 01:04:34,679 --> 01:04:41,480 road thanks well when I have that U uh 888 01:04:38,559 --> 01:04:43,798 meeting with those guys tomorrow I I'll 889 01:04:41,480 --> 01:04:47,358 talk to them about the deputy clerk at 890 01:04:43,798 --> 01:04:50,239 dear Township I for she's handed over 891 01:04:47,358 --> 01:04:52,519 all right I I'll thank you for the Ino 892 01:04:50,239 --> 01:04:55,759 would it be possible I just have a quick 893 01:04:52,519 --> 01:04:58,038 question would it be possible since you 894 01:04:55,760 --> 01:05:00,720 Hogan wrote would it be possible to come 895 01:04:58,039 --> 01:05:03,760 to this meeting tomorrow it's just 896 01:05:00,719 --> 01:05:06,358 between you and uh it's preliminary no 897 01:05:03,760 --> 01:05:06,359 okay thank 898 01:05:08,000 --> 01:05:11,239 you yes 899 01:05:20,480 --> 01:05:26,358 Stephanie Stephanie Booth longtime 900 01:05:22,760 --> 01:05:28,000 Livingston County resident um 901 01:05:26,358 --> 01:05:31,719 okay here's another 902 01:05:28,000 --> 01:05:34,480 thing um Chris here just said that or I 903 01:05:31,719 --> 01:05:37,480 shouldn't maybe address by name but what 904 01:05:34,480 --> 01:05:40,559 did he just say 905 01:05:37,480 --> 01:05:42,960 um isn't that a violation of hippaa if 906 01:05:40,559 --> 01:05:45,240 he's like telling the insurance company 907 01:05:42,960 --> 01:05:47,358 or wanting to know how much of the money 908 01:05:45,239 --> 01:05:50,239 went to elective 909 01:05:47,358 --> 01:05:53,358 abortions and is that his business on 910 01:05:50,239 --> 01:05:56,519 this supposedly nonpartisan board to be 911 01:05:53,358 --> 01:05:58,880 partisan in that manner 912 01:05:56,519 --> 01:06:01,719 um it's appalling to me that he would do 913 01:05:58,880 --> 01:06:04,760 that Acure is an insurance company to my 914 01:06:01,719 --> 01:06:07,439 knowledge and aren't they required under 915 01:06:04,760 --> 01:06:10,559 laws by Hippa not to reveal those things 916 01:06:07,440 --> 01:06:13,240 how inappropriate that he even asked 917 01:06:10,559 --> 01:06:17,000 that 918 01:06:13,239 --> 01:06:21,358 um yeah I think that's it I mean the the 919 01:06:17,000 --> 01:06:21,358 hits keep coming keep them up 920 01:06:39,079 --> 01:06:45,039 J Tyrone Township um I'll just say that 921 01:06:43,079 --> 01:06:47,920 I don't believe it's uh against HIPPA 922 01:06:45,039 --> 01:06:50,520 laws to ask what an insurance company 923 01:06:47,920 --> 01:06:52,639 covers but it is an insurance company 924 01:06:50,519 --> 01:06:55,960 that believes in killing babies so there 925 01:06:52,639 --> 01:06:57,960 you go okay um 926 01:06:55,960 --> 01:07:01,240 my comment tonight is about a memo that 927 01:06:57,960 --> 01:07:03,199 was written by Foster Swift who is a law 928 01:07:01,239 --> 01:07:05,598 firm that represents Tyrone Township for 929 01:07:03,199 --> 01:07:07,480 renewable energy issues there are two 930 01:07:05,599 --> 01:07:09,519 new house bills being introduced and 931 01:07:07,480 --> 01:07:12,039 they will help to restore local control 932 01:07:09,519 --> 01:07:15,519 of zoning in Michigan I hope the the 933 01:07:12,039 --> 01:07:17,720 board knows about this um why are these 934 01:07:15,519 --> 01:07:20,559 Bill new bills needed because last 935 01:07:17,719 --> 01:07:22,078 November PA 233 became law which strips 936 01:07:20,559 --> 01:07:24,400 townships of their Authority for 937 01:07:22,079 --> 01:07:26,920 projects like solar wind and battery 938 01:07:24,400 --> 01:07:29,278 storage and Lancing and claims we still 939 01:07:26,920 --> 01:07:31,559 have control but only if our ordinances 940 01:07:29,278 --> 01:07:34,039 agree with their demands so that's not 941 01:07:31,559 --> 01:07:36,039 Choice that's dictatorship also you may 942 01:07:34,039 --> 01:07:38,559 be aware that President Trump is doing 943 01:07:36,039 --> 01:07:41,400 all he can to stop the renewable energy 944 01:07:38,559 --> 01:07:44,200 scam but Michigan is not out of danger 945 01:07:41,400 --> 01:07:46,599 yet one reason being Jennifer granholm 946 01:07:44,199 --> 01:07:49,480 the outgoing Energy Secretary just 947 01:07:46,599 --> 01:07:51,440 gifted Michigan 14 billion to further 948 01:07:49,480 --> 01:07:53,838 develop green Energy Products and she 949 01:07:51,440 --> 01:07:57,079 did this on her way out of office in 950 01:07:53,838 --> 01:07:58,798 this memo Fosters Swift um you'll see a 951 01:07:57,079 --> 01:08:01,200 quote from a Michigan Township 952 01:07:58,798 --> 01:08:03,639 supervisor so uh that's an important 953 01:08:01,199 --> 01:08:06,239 example to all officials to speak up 954 01:08:03,639 --> 01:08:07,838 about this issue now if some of you feel 955 01:08:06,239 --> 01:08:10,519 this subject is too political to get 956 01:08:07,838 --> 01:08:12,920 involved in let me remind you you hold a 957 01:08:10,519 --> 01:08:14,920 political office uh position you were 958 01:08:12,920 --> 01:08:16,759 elected to protect and represent the 959 01:08:14,920 --> 01:08:19,199 people you should also know that more 960 01:08:16,759 --> 01:08:21,399 than 80% of Michigan residents from all 961 01:08:19,198 --> 01:08:23,759 political parties want our local 962 01:08:21,399 --> 01:08:25,838 governments to have zoning control and 963 01:08:23,759 --> 01:08:27,560 this so this is a nonpartisan issue 964 01:08:25,838 --> 01:08:30,759 there's three things I'd like to ask the 965 01:08:27,560 --> 01:08:32,279 board the first one to Greg Greg I'd 966 01:08:30,759 --> 01:08:34,279 like you to make I would hope that you 967 01:08:32,279 --> 01:08:36,520 would make a public statement as a 968 01:08:34,279 --> 01:08:39,120 supervisor to support these two new 969 01:08:36,520 --> 01:08:41,560 bills and also from the whole board a 970 01:08:39,119 --> 01:08:43,559 commitment U from the township to 971 01:08:41,560 --> 01:08:46,719 communicate to the residents regarding 972 01:08:43,560 --> 01:08:48,640 these new bills this would be in O the 973 01:08:46,719 --> 01:08:50,960 exact opposite of what we did with PA 974 01:08:48,640 --> 01:08:53,279 233 the board didn't do anything 975 01:08:50,960 --> 01:08:56,158 regarding that um and then number three 976 01:08:53,279 --> 01:08:59,080 create a resident committee to lead an 977 01:08:56,158 --> 01:09:01,599 awareness campaign to include um 978 01:08:59,079 --> 01:09:03,960 emailing and calling our legislators and 979 01:09:01,600 --> 01:09:06,199 basically Community awareness now the 980 01:09:03,960 --> 01:09:08,119 resident committee is long overdue and 981 01:09:06,198 --> 01:09:10,278 this issue I believe would be a perfect 982 01:09:08,119 --> 01:09:11,838 opportunity to demonstrate how a 983 01:09:10,279 --> 01:09:13,080 committee like this could work with 984 01:09:11,838 --> 01:09:15,399 board 985 01:09:13,079 --> 01:09:17,559 oversight um I do have a question to ask 986 01:09:15,399 --> 01:09:19,920 all of you I know the law says you don't 987 01:09:17,560 --> 01:09:23,400 have to answer me right but the law 988 01:09:19,920 --> 01:09:25,838 doesn't say that you can't answer me 989 01:09:23,399 --> 01:09:27,679 okay will you commit to to keeping 990 01:09:25,838 --> 01:09:29,640 residents I'm sure you guys know about 991 01:09:27,679 --> 01:09:31,838 this because it's a huge deal but will 992 01:09:29,640 --> 01:09:34,319 you commit to keeping residents updated 993 01:09:31,838 --> 01:09:36,119 on these house bills will you write your 994 01:09:34,319 --> 01:09:38,560 own letters and personally contact 995 01:09:36,119 --> 01:09:40,318 legislators on the subject thereby 996 01:09:38,560 --> 01:09:42,719 representing yourselves as both 997 01:09:40,319 --> 01:09:44,440 residents and as Township 998 01:09:42,719 --> 01:09:46,798 representatives and will you work 999 01:09:44,439 --> 01:09:49,399 towards creating a resident committee 1000 01:09:46,798 --> 01:09:49,399 with board 1001 01:09:50,319 --> 01:09:55,800 oversight would anyone like to commit to 1002 01:09:52,960 --> 01:09:59,760 that I will 1003 01:09:55,800 --> 01:10:02,719 may may I ask you a question can I um 1004 01:09:59,760 --> 01:10:04,960 reach out to you and we can discuss that 1005 01:10:02,719 --> 01:10:07,000 in more detail I will send this whole 1006 01:10:04,960 --> 01:10:08,480 thing to the whole board I just uh 1007 01:10:07,000 --> 01:10:10,760 really would hope that the board will 1008 01:10:08,479 --> 01:10:12,238 get behind this these two particular I 1009 01:10:10,760 --> 01:10:15,760 would just like to talk to you a little 1010 01:10:12,238 --> 01:10:17,599 bit more detail about that sure okay um 1011 01:10:15,760 --> 01:10:19,400 so for those of you that weren't able to 1012 01:10:17,600 --> 01:10:20,920 speak up again the law doesn't say that 1013 01:10:19,399 --> 01:10:23,079 you can't say that you would support 1014 01:10:20,920 --> 01:10:24,679 your community and support what's right 1015 01:10:23,079 --> 01:10:27,319 I hope you'll change your minds thank 1016 01:10:24,679 --> 01:10:27,319 you 1017 01:10:32,399 --> 01:10:36,399 are there any other public 1018 01:10:37,158 --> 01:10:40,439 comment all 1019 01:10:41,039 --> 01:10:49,479 right I guess I'm looking for a uh 1020 01:10:44,399 --> 01:10:53,799 motion to adjourn so moved all in favor 1021 01:10:49,479 --> 01:10:57,238 hi hi hi oppose that was too all right I 1022 01:10:53,800 --> 01:10:59,480 know thank you 1023 01:10:57,238 --> 01:11:03,678 I have the same thing 1024 01:10:59,479 --> 01:11:08,198 on you did good I'm proud of 1025 01:11:03,679 --> 01:11:08,199 you yeah yeah you 1026 01:11:08,319 --> 01:11:11,398 [Music] 1027 01:11:12,640 --> 01:11:19,039 did you're supposed to 1028 01:11:15,039 --> 01:11:19,039 say in 1029 01:11:25,600 --> 01:11:29,298 that's 1030 01:11:26,060 --> 01:11:29,298 [Music] 1031 01:11:36,158 --> 01:11:39,519 all but you 1032 01:11:44,279 --> 01:11:47,479 push thank 1033 01:11:53,319 --> 01:11:58,439 you pleas 1034 01:11:56,399 --> 01:12:00,359 yeah that's a part 1035 01:11:58,439 --> 01:12:04,000 of hi 1036 01:12:00,359 --> 01:12:08,719 DAV how are you I'm doing all right buy 1037 01:12:04,000 --> 01:12:08,719 Howen uh I had run into 1038 01:12:11,158 --> 01:12:17,000 christe and Christy is who we're meeting 1039 01:12:14,439 --> 01:12:22,039 with tomorrow thank you Scott Christy 1040 01:12:17,000 --> 01:12:22,039 and are both here 1041 01:12:22,199 --> 01:12:25,619 [Music] 1042 01:12:41,399 --> 01:12:47,279 well initially we were going to do that 1043 01:12:44,760 --> 01:12:47,280 but 1044 01:12:49,238 --> 01:12:54,559 um we went to the meeting we're going to 1045 01:12:51,960 --> 01:12:57,639 do the meeting tomorrow and go through 1046 01:12:54,560 --> 01:12:57,639 the emergency playing